Friday, January 16, 2015

It's Finally Here!!

It's here! The snow we've been wishing for since November is finally here and this is exactly how it happened:

At 5:30 my alarm went off blaring the song I Wanna Know You by the one and only Hannah Montana. I opened my eyes and looked outside hoping for snow but seeing only a thick layer of fog surrounding my house. I got dressed in the warmest, coziest outfit I could and started out on the endless walk to the bus stop. The bus lights shinning through the fog and coming right at me. I finally got to school and all during first period, nothing. Then on my walk to the high school for second period, nothing. THEN IT HAPPENED. As I walked out the door to head back to Treasure all I saw was the beautiful, big clumps of perfect snowflakes. It was coming down so much by the time I got to my third period, my hair was dripping wet and I had a pile of snow on top of my head. After that it didn't stop snowing until late the next day. It was amazing!!!

Photo Taken By Me

Of course with all the snow we had to go outside for PE. We did things like Nordic Skiing and Snowshoeing. Nordic Skiing wasn't too bad because we got to do whatever we wanted and it wasn't too hard to get the hang of. Snowshoeing on the other hand was one of the worst experiences of my life. The first day we just walked on a flat trail to the point where you couldn't walk anymore, but then we had to walk back! By the end of it I was so tired and plus we got back late so I was late for second period! The second day was so much worse! We walked all the way out to the trail in single digit temperatures with our hands freezing along with everything else. Then we had to put our snowshoes on and Mr. Torrey pointed us straight up the hill. It was honestly the steepest hike I've ever done but at least we got some good pictures. ;) The climb was so hard but luckily, as a class, we decided to stop every 2 minutes for a 5 minute break. It was great until we refused to go on but Mr. Torrey threatened us all with half credit if we didn't keep going so we trudged on and got to the top. But then Mr. T said that since we took so long to get up the hill we had to go down the exact same way, which was SUPER steep. And of course we had a class mate that was afraid of heights so we went super slow and by the time we got down, everyone was already back at school. So that wasn't the best start to my day but it was my last day of 9th grade PE so YAY!!!

Even after all this I'm so excited to have all this snow and I can't wait to ski in it! Jupiter at Park City Mountain Resort is gonna be so great!

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