Sunday, December 28, 2014

Detox Waters

Water. We all need water. You should be drinking about three liters everyday. That sounds like so much, especially because we don't always drink just water! We like add sugar and flavoring or even carbonation. So here are some different detox water recipes that not only taste good but at the same time flush the harmful toxins out of your body! 

1. fill a mason jar with water
2. cut thin cucumber slices and add a few 
Photo Courtesy of Diva Wish  
3. mix in a handful of chopped mint leaves
4. add ice cubes and enjoy

1. fill mason jar with water
2. cut two lemons into thin slices and add
3. add ice cubes and enjoy

1. fill a mason jar with water
2. add 1/4 cup raspberries
3. add 1/4 cup blueberries
4. add 1/4 cup strawberries
5. add ice cubes and enjoy

lemon & lime:
1. fill a mason jar with water
2. slice 1 lime into thin pieces and add
3. slice 1 lemon into thin pieces and add
4. add ice cubes and enjoy

*For a more flavor refrigerate your drinks for 20-30 minutes before drinking*


• Water is just plain good for us, but it mainly helps us flush nasty toxins through our system which makes it easier for our organs like the liver and kidney to do their jobs! 

• Mint leaves add a refreshing flavor to your drink and also helps you digest more effectively. It also helps relax cramped up stomach muscles.

• Lemon/Lime helps stimulate and regulate the digestive track. This helps when you have a stomach ache!

• Watermelon/Cucumber helps flush out toxins, it helps the liver and kidneys filter and get rid of ammonia which is damaging to cells. 

Making these is so easy! I like bringing these drinks to school and soccer just for a little extra to my water. And you can add whatever fruits you want: pineapple, blueberries, oranges, pomegranate, etc. It's fun to experiment and see what you can make.  Detox waters also help you burn fat depending on what ingredients you using...  Here's another website with even more recipes for you to try: 20 Delicious Detox Waters to Cleanse Your Body and Burn Fat

Monday, December 15, 2014

It's That Time Of The Year Again...

Hey guys so it's getting colder and lots of people are getting sick. I know at my school there are lots of different colds are going around and I've already gotten sick, TWICE! At first I just had a runny nose just like a normal cold and then right when I recovered, I caught another cold with a sore-throat and a nasty cough that lasted for 3 weeks! It sucks. So to help you if you get sick, here are a few tips...

If you have a cold:

• Always tissues with you to blow your nose constantly
• Drink lots of honey and lemon tea
• Sleep as much as possible, your body needs time to recover on its own ****
• Turn a humidifier or a vaporizer on in your room **
• Take a long, hot bath or shower to clear out your nose

If you have a fever:

• Lower the temperature of your room ***
Photo Courtesy of Pinterest 
• Get lots of rest ****
• Eat cold foods like popsicles or ice cream ***
• Drink different herbal teas
• Don't try to exercise

If you have the flu:

• Be sure to stay hydrated, drink lots of water
• Wash your hands frequently
• Eat healthy food
• Use a heating pad for comfort
• Blow your nose often

If you have a sore throat:

• Gargle with warm salt water
• Stay warm, bundle up in blankets
• Drink honey and lemon tea
• Use a humidifier **
• Drink a lot of fluids

It's also super important to remember a few things:
     1. Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing to prevent your germs from spreading
     2. Constantly wash your hands to keep yourself safe from other peoples germs
     3. You can stay home for a day or two when you're sick so you don't get anyone else sick
     4. Don't drink out of other peoples water bottles or anything, this spreads germs super fast
     5. Take the medication needed to recover, believe me, I went through a phase where I refused to take any medicine at all, but it's the medicine that helps you recover the most

** A vaporizer or humidifier moistens your nasal passages making it easier to breathe
*** It's important to try to get your body temperature down, inside and out
**** Getting lots of rest allows your body to recover on its own

Getting sick is the worst. It's the time when you sit and ponder your life choices and think about what it was like when you were healthy. I love sitting in my bed and watching Netflix! Getting sick during school is the worst if you have a mom like mine who doesn't let me come home unless I'm throwing up. But if you got lucky with a mom who will be at your school in minutes along with Starbucks and food for you then congrats. I'm jealous.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Seasonal Sensation: Gingerbread Houses

One of my favorite things to make around Christmas time is a gingerbread house. I love being able to decorate it by myself and see how everyone else decorated theirs. Anyways, here's a recipe and some extra tips for decorating!


• 1/2 cup of butter (room temperature)
• 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
• 1/4 cup light molasses
• 1 tablespoon cinnamon
• 1 tablespoon ground ginger
• 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 2 cups all-purpose flour
• 2 tablespoons water

*Preheat oven to 375ยบ F*


1. In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter, brown sugar, molasses, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and baking soda together. Cream until the mixture is smooth
2. Add the flour and water to make a stiff dough
3. Chill for 30 minutes, or until firm
4. Cut out the following paper patters for your template:
   - 2 rectangles, 3 by 5 inches SIDES OF HOUSE
   - 2 rectangles, 3 by 5 1/2 inches ROOF
   - 2 pieces, 3 in at base, 3 in to roof line, and slated to a peak 5 1/2 in from bottom ENDS

5. Roll gingerbread dough out to edges on a large, rimless cookie sheet
6. Place your templates on the dough, then with a straight-edge knife cut around the patterns
7. Bake at 375 for about 15 minutes until dough feels firm
8. Take pieces out of oven and place patterns on top of ginger bread again
Picture Courtesy of Love This Pic
9. Trim shapes again, then leave on baking sheet to cool

For Royal Icing:

• 1 pound (3 3/4 cups) powdered sugar
• 1-2 large egg whites
• 1 teaspoon almond extract, vanilla or lemon juice


1. Mix all ingredients together until smooth and thick enough to be pressed through a pastry bag

Building Your Gingerbread House:

1. Put royal icing into into a pastry bag with writing tip to pipe designs like doors, windows, etc.
2. Let your frosting harden
3. Glue the front, back and sides of the house together using your royal icing
4. Prop up until icing is dry (it should only take a few minutes)
5. Glue the roof on using royal icing and let dry again
6. Decorate how you want using gumdrops, licorice, gum balls, M&M's an etc.
7. Finally, place your house where everyone can see it!

Making gingerbread houses is a fun way to get creative. So make sure you put your own twist on it because that's the point! There are also a lot of different recipes you can look at like Martha Stewarts!

** If you want you can pick the candy off your house once you've had it around long enough but the gingerbread might be too stale to take a bite **